Today was the last day of Droidcon NYC 2016! Two days of amazing talks and discussions with the most influent Android experts from all around the globe. This year was pretty important for us as we could finally answer all the questions you had about our newborn Genymotion Cloud
(if you still have some give us a shout @Genymotion)
ADB, Break On Through To the Other Side
Yesterday our guy Eyal Lezmy gave a special talk dedicated to the well known Android Debug Bridge: “ADB, Break On Through To the Other Side.” This was a great opportunity for you to finally see how ADB interacts with other development tools. Some of you even discovered whole new commands
Missed it? Check out the slides!
“Find Genygirl” Contest – We have a winner!
As every year, Eyal did not arrive empty-handed. He came with a full bag of Genyboys and a 1-year premium license! Nick Kabatsikov you found the only Genygirl among the Genyboys! Hence the license is yours! Congratulations
This edition of Droidcon NYC was great (as always). We really hope to meet you all again!