gmsaas 1.0.0
A command-line tool to rule all your virtual devices, host in our Cloud SaaS solution.
Achieve all the following tasks from the command line:
- list all your running virtual devices
- list all the devices recipes shared with you
- start a new device with a recipe
- delete a running device
- connect or disconnect adb from a running device
Getting started
- a Genymotion Cloud SaaS account!
- python3 and pip3 (PyPi page)
- Android SDK
Install step
pip3 install gmsaas
Configuration step
gmsaas config set android-sdk-path <AndroidSDKPath>
Options list
Lists all commands and options.
Used with any command: prints its specific help message.
Prints the current gmsaas version.
Commands list
auth [login|logout|whoami]
Manage your Genymotion Cloud SaaS credentials to access your Cloud virtual devices.
config [get|list|set]
Manage your Genymotion Cloud SaaS configuration properties.
instances [adbconnect|adbdisconnect|list|start|stop]
Manage your Android virtual devices hosted by our Genymotion Cloud SaaS solution.
recipes [list]
List all recipes to create a Android virtual device hosted by our Genymotion Cloud SaaS solution.