Genymotion Cloud PaaS 5.0 (April 3rd, 2018)
Android versions
– The Nougat (Android 7.0) AMI has been updated.
– The Marshmallow (Android 6.0) AMI has been updated.
– The Lollipop (Android 5.1) AMI has been updated.
– Genymotion Cloud PaaS is now available on Google Cloud Platform with a per-second billing system. Images of virtual devices are available in the following Android versions:
–> Android 5.1 Lollipop
–> Android 6.0 Marshmallow
–> Android 7.0 Nougat
– Graphics performance has been improved, thus multiplicating by up to 4 the performance compared to older versions.
– A new bootscreen has been added for a better user experience while waiting for the virtual device to boot
– The Capture widget has been modified to add video recording (screencast).
– Nvidia GRID compatibility has been added (with OpenGL ES 3.1 support).
– Larger /system and /data partition size (10Go by default) have been implemented to install Open GApps easily and more applications.
– A bug allowed users to enter an incorrect Android ID value. This has been fixed.
– An OpenGL bug that was preventing some applications to display on Android 7.0 (Nougat) has been fixed.
– The default dalvik heap size has been enlarged to minimum 512Mo to avoid having “Out Of Memory” messages when spawning applications that require a lot of memory.