9.0 beta virtual devices (October 31th, 2018)
We added a preview support of Android 9.0, also known as Android Pie. Virtual devices available with this Android version are:
- Google Pixel;
- Google Pixel XL;
- Google Pixel 2;
- Google Pixel XL;
- Google Pixel 3;
- Google Pixel 3 XL;
- Custom Phone;
- Custom Tablet;
We’re working hard on building the final release.
Here’s a list of known issues we’re still working on:
- Proper root support;
- Performance issue and some random UI crashes on macOS;
- Gmtool cannot display api level level 28 for Android Pie virtual devices;
- Auto rotation is not enabled by default;
- The anti aliasing of the Paint class is broken;
- The preview screenshots of recent apps and screencap are broken ;
If you find more issues, we’ll be happy to hear from you! https://www.genymotion.com/contact
All other Genymotion features run properly. You can now test your apps on Android API level 28, with all new Pie features, such as the new enhanced notification messages, or the support of webp and gif animated images.