Genymotion Cloud PaaS 4.0 (October 25th, 2017)
Android versions
– The Nougat (Android 7.0) AMI has been updated.
– The Marshmallow (Android 6.0) AMI has been updated.
– The Lollipop (Android 5.1) AMI has been updated.
– The Network widget has been updated: a section dedicated to network quality has been added in order to test application behavior with poor connectivity.
See: Tutorial
– The Disk I/O widget has been added and allows you to emulate a low-end device with low disk bandwidth. Some limitations may apply depending on the instance you are running. For more information on the Disk I/O widget, refer to the Genymotion on Demand User Guide.
See: Tutorial
– The Screenshot widget has been added and allows you to take a screenshot of your virtual device directly from your web browser.
– The interface of virtual devices has been fine-tuned to integrate new icons and a new design of the GPS widget. Also, widgets now automatically close when clicking outside the window.
– The communication protocol has been replaced with Redis, thus improving the overall performance of virtual devices.
– A bug that prevented the web interface from working properly after a couple of hours has been fixed.