Genymotion Cloud PaaS 10.0 (December 3rd, 2020)

Android versions

  • Android 10.0 images have been updated.
  • Pie (Android 9.0) images have been updated.
  • Oreo (Android 8.1) images have been updated.
  • Oreo (Android 8.0) images have been updated.
  • Nougat (Android 7.0) images have been updated.
  • Marshmallow (Android 6.0) images have been updated.
  • Lollipop (Android 5.1) images have been updated.

All images are available on all supported cloud providers, including AWS, GCP, Azure and Alibaba Cloud.


  • Added a “letsencrypt” section in configuration to easily generate a valid SSL certificate directly from the user interface
  • Added the possibility to plug an external disk as a “/data” partition, to store users configuration independently from the machine
  • Added a SSH entry in the configuration to be able to easily add/remove allowed SSH keys
  • Added our first ARM-based version on AWS
  • Bumped TLS version from TLS 1.0 to TLS 1.2 and above
  • Bumped Webrtc libraries to version 85 to improve smoothness and fluidity of display


  • Fixed an issue preventing the camera to work properly
  • Fixed an issue with file upload progress circle displaying negative percentage
  • Fixed an issue preventing large files (>850MB) upload
  • Fixed some performance and security issues with Android 10