Genymotion 2.11.0 (October 25th, 2017)

EDIT: The Disk I/O feature is only available to Business and Enterprise licenses. It won’t be available to Indie users


  • The Disk I/O feature is now available (as a widget, from Genymotion Shell and from Genymotion Java API). It allows you to emulate devices with slow internal storage.
  • Some more logs have been added to various components to help diagnose future issues.
  • A reboot of your virtual device is now proposed after having installed OpenGApps.
  • Command gmtool logcatdump is now available for Cloud devices.


  • A rare bug preventing Android from booting has been fixed.
  • Some issues occurring when using adb reboot have been fixed.
  • Command adb shell input tap has been fixed
  • A crash occurring on Launcher3 when changing the wallpaper has been fixed.
  • The black display of the EULA window on some hardware has been fixed.
  • The error message returned by the gmtool logzip command when the target folder doesn’t exist has been clarified.
  • The gmtool logzip command now also works without a license.
  • The gmtool --timeout switch now works with Cloud commands.
  • An error that could occur when sharing an app has been fixed.
  • The list of templates used to be empty for some Cloud users. This has been fixed.
  • The gmtool startdisposable command happened to return various errors in some rare conditions. This has been fixed.