At Genymobile, our commitment is to provide you with the most up-to-date Android version for your virtual devices. In line with this, we are thrilled to announce the release of Android 14 beta images across our suite of products!
Don’t wait ! We’ve got everything ready for you:
- x86_64 images are available for Genymotion Desktop and Genymotion SaaS (Cloud)
- An arm64 image is available for Genymotion Device on AWS.
Genymotion Desktop
Just select 14.0.0 in Android version when creating a new device:
Note: It is only available with a paying or trial license. If you have a license and it does not appear, click on the refresh button.
Check out Genymotion Desktop release notes for more details.
Genymotion SaaS
All you need to do is to create a custom recipe with Android 14.0 image:
Check out Genymotion SaaS release notes for more details.
Genymotion Device Image
Android 14.0 is directly available on AWS Marketplace for arm64 instances.
Check out Genymotion Device Image release notes for more details.