Exclusive! 50% off Genymotion for existing AWS customers
*Limited time offer
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Genymotion Device Image on AWS is the premier Android Emulator on EC2.
AWS Graviton Processors are designed by AWS to deliver the best price performance for your cloud workloads running in Amazon EC2.
- Smooth interactive access to a virtual device via the web browser without additional plugins.
- Features seamless ADB access.
- Combine with AWS API to automate your Android virtual device.
Empower your Android teams with Virtual Devices that truly scale on AWS
*Offer valid through September 30st, 2022.
With testing framework partners: Detox and Bitrise, based on ADB; and with popular continuous integration solutions like CircleCI.
No nested virtualization to speed up your tests and operations with or without a dedicated GPU.
Instant access to unlimited virtual devices that can be run simultaneously for test sharding or parallel testing.